The IFP-2100 (red) and IFP-2100B (black) are intelligent analog/ addressable Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACP). The basic IFP-2100 panel contains one built-in signaling line circuit (SLC), which can support 159 System Sensor® IDP/SK sensors and 159 IDP/SK modules or 127 Hochiki® SD devices per loop. Additional SLC loops can be added using the model 6815 SLC expander for IDP/SK devices to increase the overall point capacity to 2100 or model 5815XL for SD devices to increase the overall point capacity to a maximum to 2032 points per panel.
The IFP-2100 (red) and IFP-2100B (black) are intelligent analog/ addressable Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACP). The basic IFP-2100 panel contains one built in signaling line circuit (SLC), which can support 159 System Sensor® IDP/SK sensors and 159 IDP/SK modules or 127 Hochiki® SD devices per loop. Additional SLC loops can be added using the model 6815 SLC expander for IDP/SK devices to increase the overall point capacity to 2100 or model 5815XL for SD devices to increase the overall point capacity to a maximum to 2032 points per panel.
IFP-2100 has the interconnection capability for up to 32 panels.
The system has two modes of operation, multiple panels covering one larger building, or multiple independent buildings. The RFP-2100 (red) or RFP-2100B (black) can be used in a networked system where at least one IFP-2100 is in the system.
It is the same as the IFP-2100 without the display.
IFP-2100 has eight on-board Flexput™ circuits that can be configured for auxiliary power, notification outputs, or for conventional smoke detector inputs (Class A or Class B). The FACP also has a Built in dual phone line digital alarm communicator/transmitter (DACT), IP or optional cellular technologies, Form C trouble relay, and two programmable Form C relays. IFP-2100 has powerful features such as detector sensitivity, day/night thresholds, drift compensation, pre-trouble maintenance alert, and calibration trouble alert
• RFP-2100 or RFP -2100B can be used in a networked system where at lease one IFP-2100 is in the system
• Network support for up to 32 Sites
• Built-in support for up to 159 IDP/SK detectors and 159 IDP/SK modules or 127 SD SLC devices
• Four-line LCD display with 40 characters per line
• Available in a red or black cabinet
• IFP-2100 or RFP-2100 can be surface or flush mounted
• Four programmable function keys
• Network card allows copper network connection with a multi-mode or single-mode fiber connection option
• Built-in dual phone line, digital alarm communicator/ transmitter (DACT), IP or optional cellular technologies
• JumpStart AutoProgramming® feature for easy programming
• Renewable license on downloading software helps inhibit unauthorized programming
• Built in USB interface for programming
• Supports up to four SWIFT wireless gateways. Each gateway can have up to 49 wireless devices
• Supports Class B (Style 4) and Class A (Style 6 or Style 7 configuration for SLC, and SBUS.
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